
The organization of VIII CODAIP opened the call for submission of works in the event and, particularly, to take part on the Workshops of the Study Groups, that will take place in Curitiba in October 27 and 28 at the auditorium of the Law School of UFPR.




The organization of VIII CODAIP opened the call for submission of works in the event and, particularly, to take part on the Workshops of the Study Groups, that will take place in Curitiba in October 27 and 28 at the auditorium of the Law School of UFPR.

The space of Workshops was thought as a democratic ambience to stimulate the exchange of knowledge between researchers of many study groups involved. It is a place opened to reflections and debates about the proposed questions, in which the researchers can put forward and has been presented to diverse research.

Knowing to inform, to apply, to create and to share. In contemporary life, collaborative knowledge of informational networks provides the society development. For that the Academic researchers have a lot to contribute. We invite the members of the study groups to make Workshops a democratic space to knowledge construction.

The implementation of Workshops at VIII CODAIP is divided in two (2) thematic axes:


 Boundaries between public and private Law into informational society


► Cultural Rights and Regulation of Copyright


Researchers of study groups wishing to take part on Workshops shall send an ABSTRACT of the research, under the following rules:

A) Sturcture-composition:

1. Title:

2. Author:

3. Institution/Study Group:

4. Theme:

5. Tematic Axis (indicate the Workshop):

6. Presentation: Oral.

7. Key-words:

8. Mini-resume:

9. Abstract:

10. Introduction:

11. Goals:

12. Method:

13. Resulties:

14. Conclusion:


B) Formatting:

Size of the page:  A4 (210 mm x297 mm).

Borders: Top: 3cm; Under: 2 cm; Left: 3 cm; Right: 2 cm

Font: Times New Roman

Size: 12 points

Style: Regular

Spacing between lines: 1,5 line

Alignment: justified text

C) General Rules:

The abstract can be up to 6 pages.

Each researcher can put forward just one work. Coauthored works are allowed (limited to two authors) in another abstracts.

Presentation will confer certificate of participation.

​D) Time frame:

Abstracts shall be sent until September 30, to: [email protected]


E) Copyright:

Authors state the ownership of copyright, responding, exclusively, to any claim related to these rights, as they allow GEDAI’s publisher, without onus, referred texts in any means, with no limitations of time frame, territory, may adequate the texts to publication’s format and modify them to ensure the respect to Portuguese.

As VIII CODAIP finishes, researchers that participate of Workshops by presenting an abstract may sent the result of their works in scientific paper’s format to be published in book or digital format.


Organization of VIII CODAIP

Group os Studies of Authorial and Industrial Rights – GEDAI